Our team

Nutrition is multi-faceted. Our team considers it impossible to be qualified in ALL areas of nutrition, so, we decided to come together, unite our strengths and specialities and become THE benchmark in nutrition. We are deeply passionate about nutrition and make it our mission to combine evidence-based recommendations with the pleasures of life. 

The idea for Référence Nutrition was brought about by one of our dietitians, Claudia Houle, who is herself, since childhood, a patient with multiple chronic health issues. Having been involved in the education of university-level, future health professionals, as well as projects dedicated to improving the quality of healthcare services, she was looking for a solution that would meet the needs of all types of clients. 

We strive to offer quality and specialized services. If we do not have the expertise to address your needs, we will refer you to an expert, outside of our offices, with pleasure. 

Dietitians/nutritionists are the only health professionals recognized by the Professional Code as experts in human nutrition and food. Our expertise is based first and foremost on science; a science that is continuously and forever evolving. 

From science to practice, our recommendations are tailored to your reality. Our mission is to support you in reaching YOUR dietary goals. As we do not receive sponsorship or profit from supplement or food companies, you can rest assured that our suggestions will be based on your needs, and yours only.
avec nous

Our Team

  • Gillian Murray

  • Valérie Vaillancourt

    For the love of children


  • Jeanne Lapointe

  • Marie-Jean Cournoyer

  • Sarah Normandin

    Mieux vaut changer de régime de vie que de passer sa vie à changer de régime!

    English version coming soon !
  • Claudia Houle

    The diabetic dietitian


  • Noémy Brisebois

    A human-centered approach focused on your needs

    Even though I am the expert in nutrition and diet, I acknowledge that you are the expert on yourself and your life. My approach aims to...

  • Geneviève Lahaie-Reilly

    bio coming soon

To book an appointment with one of our nutritionists or to discuss a project, it's here !

450 918-4898