Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia & Hypertriglyceridemia

High cholesterol and/or triglycerides, as well as high blood pressure are not diseases in and of themselves, but are conditions that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, just like obesity, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and stress. Even if they do not cause discomfort on a daily basis, it is essential to act in prevention. 

Our dietitian will support you in adopting healthy lifestyle habits through gradual and realistic changes that can be maintained in the long-term. An active lifestyle and a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, wholegrains, skimmed milk products and minimally processed foods are most often required. Our recommendations will be adapted to your reality in order to preserve the pleasure of eating. 

Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia & Hypertriglyceridemia

To book an appointment with one of our nutritionists or to discuss a project, it's here !

450 918-4898